Join us for a summer of computing

Are you ready to make this the 🌞 summer of computing 🌞 and supercharge your computer science knowledge and pedagogy?

Here at the National Centre for Computing Education, we're excited about what we have in store over the next few months to help you maximise your professional development and get ahead for September. Fire up your computer, free your imagination and join us for a summer of learning!

Take a trip to sunny York for our residential CPD

This summer, take a break from the sun at our National Centre in York by attending one of our residential courses:

Getting started with Python programming – 17 and 18 July 2023
Develop your foundational knowledge around the Python language. You’ll learn about the three main programming concepts: sequencing, selection, and iteration.

Developing secondary leadership – 17 and 18 August 2023
Build confidence to become a leader of computing in your school. You’ll take away ready-to-use and successful teaching approaches from experienced teachers, supported by the latest research and evidence.

Supporting student attainment in GCSE computer science – 29 and 30 August 2023
Find out how to achieve the most out of your students when preparing them for their Computer Science GCSE exams. You’ll gain foundations of a variety of strategies that can be taken into the classroom to support raising student attainment.

Supercharge your computer science subject knowledge

Open to teachers of all subjects and at any stage of their computer science knowledge, our Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) programme will help you develop your subject knowledge while achieving a nationally recognised certificate.

Choose the level you are at and complete a pathway this summer to gain the certificate in time for September. Subsidies are also available to support with classroom cover.

Watch the sunrise – for new learners

Just as the sun rises, your knowledge will shine through and grow when you enrol on our New to computing CSA pathway. Explore some of the CPD as part of this pathway and book your place:

Enjoy the sunshine – for intermediate learners

For those looking to expand their knowledge further, we have three intermediate level pathways: Preparing to teach GCSE computer science, New to algorithms and programming and New to computer systems. Explore some of the CPD that is part of these pathways and book your place:

Marvel at the sunset – for advanced learners

For teachers confident in their teaching of GCSE computer science, we have our Advanced GCSE computer science pathway. Explore some of the CPD as part of this pathway and book your place:

Enrol on to the subject knowledge certificate

Take your learning further – Secondary Computing Teaching certificate

Once you have obtained your subject knowledge certificate, you can go further in your professional development by enrolling on our Secondary Computing programme. There, you will deepen your knowledge, learn to use the new skills, and embed computing in your classroom, school and the wider community.

To help you choose CPD that fits your specific needs, we have also created lists of courses under various themes – from raising attainment to championing diversity and inclusion.

Find courses that suit your development goals

Primary computing in the summer

Summer is a perfect time for primary teachers to enhance your knowledge and skills to offer a better learning of computing and other subjects to pupils.

By gaining our Primary Computing Teaching certificate, teachers can demonstrate their commitment to improving computing education in their school. You can follow either a developing or a leading pathway in order to achieve the accreditation. Subsidies are also available to help with classroom cover. Explore some of CPD that is part of the certificate ad book now:

Enrol on to the primary certificate

The National Centre for Computing education has also recently partnered with Micro:bit and BBC to provide training to teachers on how to use micro:bits in their primary classrooms. With micro:bits you will be able to enhance pupils' learning of the computing curriculum and support their learning in other subject areas. You can also get a set of 30 free micro:bits for your primary school!

Find out more about our work with Micro:bit

Make your summer of computing count!

On top of enhancing your personal skills and knowledge, the summer of computing can help you support your school’s growth through the Computing Quality Framework (CQF). The CQF describes what we believe great computing education, in schools, looks like.

As you move through the framework, certificates and awards can be achieved to indicate your progress, leading to the achievement of the Computing Quality Mark, highlighting your school’s exemplary practice in computing curriculum.

Update your progress through the CQF

Share your experience

If you're attending one of our courses or events, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch and share your experience with us on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #SummerofComputing.