Digital Skills Forum - Computing education and gender

Thursday 11 November at 4.30pm.

Free - Register here

Where are the biggest gaps in computing education and recruitment when it comes to gender diversity? How can personal branding, and a focus on overcoming systemic ‘fear’ help women succeed in STEM circles? How can industry and educational bodies work together to ensure meaningful and sustained diverse recruitment patterns? What ‘alternative routes’ into tech are the most inclusive?

We’ll be looking at the answers to these questions as well as many others in our next NCCE Digital Skills Forum event on Thursday 11 November, 4.30pm to 5.15pm.

Featuring a panel of experts from education and industry, we look forward to you joining us on Zoom a lively and informative discussion, breaking new ground on what it takes to succeed as a woman in STEM.


  • Olivia Wolfheart, Membership Engagement Manager at BCS


  • Debbie Forster MBE - CEO of Tech Talent Charter
  • Hema Purohit - Chief Architect at Microsoft
  • Jyoti Chauhan - Faculty Leader of Business, Art & Culture, and STEM Coordinator at Nishkam High School

The Digital Skills Forum is a monthly series of online events, hosted by The National Centre for Computing Education, that brings together expert speakers from industry and education for a lively discussion looking at how we can work together effectively.

Catch up on our previous events: